If you are not satisfied with our products, our seller farmers will be happy to consider your request to return them. Please read the sections below carefully to understand how our return policy works.

Cancellation Policy:

An order once placed cannot be cancelled. However, you can return the product if you are not satisfied with the quality of the product or is not in accordance with what was promised. Please see the section below to understand our return policy.

Return & Refund Policy:

  • Once you accept delivery of the product, please examine carefully for any defect/quality issues. You may request for a replacement if there are quality issues or if the product is not in accordance with what was promised.

  • Contact us at support@efarmbazar.com and make a request to return the product, and we will work with the seller farmer on the return request. Please specify the reason for returning the product, include photographs of the defective product to make the process hassle-free.

  • The return request should be raised (via email) within 3 days of receiving the product. You should include the order number in the subject line of the message.

  • The product should be shipped to the seller’s address as mentioned in the invoice, please include a copy of the invoice along with the product.

  • The return shipment should reach the seller within 10 days of receiving the product.

  • Unfortunately we will not be able to consider your return request if the above timelines for making the request and return shipment has not been met.

  • Once your return is received and inspected, the seller will send you an email to notify you of the receipt of your returned item along with the action taken – exchange/refund.

  • The seller will try to replace the item if the product is available, failing which, a refund for the purchase amount (excluding the shipping charges) will be issued to the original payment instrument used for purchase.

  • Please note that we cannot offer exchanges or refunds on any sale, opened or used products. The returned product should be in the original package to qualify for exchange/refund.

  • Return shipping charges should be borne by the customer.

  • Refunds will be processed within 5 days of receiving the return shipment. Please note that it may take few more days depending on your bank for the amount to become available in your bank account.

  • In case of replacement, the new product will be shipped within 5 days of receiving the return shipment. Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you, may vary.

  • It is highly recommended to use a trackable shipping service for the return shipment.