1. Is it required to have an account in efarmbazar for me to make a purchase?
Yes, you should have an account for purchasing products from efarmbazar.com
2. Do I have to pay for creating an account in efarmbazar?
Absolutely not, registration is completely free.
3. Why should I purchase from efarmbazar? What are the benefits?
Efarmbazar is a platform to help the farmers wherein products are delivered directly from the farm to the consumer bypassing the middlemen. You will be getting good quality products at better price directly from the farm as well as help the farmers earn a better living.
4. Will the items be shipped internationally?
Shipping is provided by seller farmers; please refer the options provided against the products during the purchase.
5. Is same/next day delivery options available for shipping?
Shipping is provided by seller farmers; please refer the options provided against the products during purchase.
6. I have an issue with an order that I placed and I am unable to get it resolved with the farmer seller, what should I do?
You are the reason we exist, and help the farmer earn a better living. Your satisfaction is atmost important to us, please reach out to us with the issue and we will do everything within our limits to get the issue resolved. Please refer the Contact US page for details on how you can reach out to us.
7. What are the options available for making payment?
We currently support payments via credit cards and net banking.
8. Is Cash On Delivery (COD) option available?
We do not provide Cash On Delivery option at the moment, this is something we are considering and might introduce the option at a later point in time.
9. How do I check the current status of my order?
Please login to the site, and navigate to the section My Account > My Orders. Current status if your order will be displayed under the “Status” column. If the status us marked “Complete” and you haven’t received the product, please use the tracking option available at the courier service provider’s website for the current status of the shipment.
10. Do you have an option to buy the product offline?
We only support online transactions; we do not have a brick & mortar store at the moment.